Group Therapy

cropped colored arms from uticaGroup therapy offers a powerful, interactive, and effective process that can be very helpful for working on interpersonal and relationship issues, addiction, social skills, anger management, and anxiety and depression.  My approach emphasizes direct interactions with other group members, deepening those relationships in a safe environment, developing awareness of your immediate feelings, expressing those feelings to other group members in effective ways, coming to understand your patterns of emotional expression, and developing more effective and flexible ways of emotional communication.  Many people experience this therapeutic work as extremely satisfying and productive.

Initially, people often have concerns or reservations about participating in a group.  These concerns include confidentiality, disclosing something of oneself to others, disinterest in hearing about other people’s problems, feeling the need for direct one-on-one attention, and many other concerns.  In the consultation process before joining a group, I encourage you to voice and discuss your concerns, which frequently helps a great deal.  The real proof of group’s value is in the experience.  I expect a commitment of 3 months of attendance in group; the vast majority of those who embark on the process decide to stay.

Anyone interested or curious about group, I encourage you to contact me.  I will meet with you for several individual consultations to discuss the process and your concerns.

You can find more information about group therapy at the American Group Psychotherapy Association’s webpage. Here’s a testimonial.